Sunday, April 15, 2018

The beginning.

Hi my name is Portia.I have a 9 years old son who was diagnosed with ADHD,has a learning disability and speech impairment in 2013.

My family and I realised he had a problem when he started school in that year (2013) for gradeR when his teacher raised concerns,he was 4years old going to 5 in a few months.the school thought it could be that he just started school that maybe it's because of started school New people and all.

The year went by without any change and he repeated the year that followed.we saw it was serious.we opened a special need case for him with our school's district for help for they place him in a remedial school where they can carter for his needs.

The case went on for 2years long by 2016 I had had enough with the district,my child was suffering in that mainstream school sitting with normal kids that don't understand him.

I wrote a  letter to the department of education in Pretoria where things started to change.the district started attending my case 

Which goes to show that when you just sit and relaxed thinking the South African government will do,they never do you will wait lots

Let's continue this tomorrow my people.xoxo